
API Documentation

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All RPX API explained here is for INDONESIA DOMESTIC DELIVERY only.

It is for Developer’s reference materials and NOT intented for end-users.

We do not provide any Plugins Platform yet (e.g: MAGENTO SHOPIFY etc).

If you are an end-user, personal online shop owner, but not a web programmer, you should ask your script provider or developer to develop your own plugin/module/extension containing RPX API script to matched and run in your platform.

RPX API is sets of RPX One Stop Logistics‘ remote procedure that you can call in your application using REST technology. Documentation here is explaining on how to access RPX API in order to get or to send some information like : SHIPMENT, PICKUP REQUEST,  SHIPPING RATES, etc.


For any suggestions, please contact us.

API Shipment


Field NameKeteranganTipeMax. Lenght
shipper_email*Shipper email addressString50
consignee_accountConsignee account number (if any) (OPTIONAL)String40
consignee_name*Consignee nameString40
consignee_companyConsignee company name. If you need to mentioned Company name of the consignee, please stated here. If not, put the same information as consignee name. (OPTIONAL)String40
consignee_address1*Consignee address1String100
consignee_address2*Consignee address2String100
consignee_kelurahan*Consignee Sub DistrictString50
consignee_kecamatan*Consignee DistrictString50
consignee_city*Consignee CityString30
consignee_state*Consignee ProvinceString30
consignee_zip*Consignee ZipcodeString10
consignee_phone*Consignee phoneString20
consignee_mobile_noConsignee Mobile No (Optional)String30
consignee_emailConsignee Email (Optional)String50
desc_of_goods*Description of goods (Detail Package)String255
tot_package*Total package (Default 1)String4
actual_weightActual Weight of the Package (in Kg) by your scale. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing.String10
tot_weight*Total Chargeable Weight (in Kg) of the Package by your scale. The bigger number between actual_weight and tot_domensi will be taken as Chargeable Weight. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing. RPX Weight is always in a full (non fractional) scale. Round Up method is applied. e.q : 1.3 will be saved as 2. (Ini yang disini untuk berat)String10
tot_declare_valueTotal Paid Value of the. Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand) (Ini untuk harga barang pengirim)String10
tot_dimensi*Total Dimension scale of the Package. RPX standard formula is (Lenght X Widht X Height)cm/6000. Just leave it blank if you are not sure. (OPTIONAL)String10
flag_mp_spec_handlingFlag Special Handling (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
insuranceFlag Insurance (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
surchargeNilai Surcharge (jika ada) Only for Order Type DAString10,2
high_valueFlag High Value goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
value_docsFlag Valuable Document (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
electronicFlag Electronic goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString5
flag_dangerous_goodsFlag Dangerous goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
flag_birdnestFlag Bird Nest goods (Y/N) Only for Order Type DAString1
declare_valueTotal Value of Package which will be insuranced. Only applied if the insurance flag is Y. Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand) (OPTIONAL)String10,2
formatstated XML (or blank) for XML response, or stated JSON for JSON response. For use (|2) on requestString5
dest_store_id*Fill with store codeString10
dest_dc_idFill with DC codeString10
widhtxFill with total width of packageString4
lengthxFill with total length of packageString4
heightxFill with total height of package.String4
bill_trans_type_idInputkan 1 sebagai defaultString4
rpx_box_aLayanan tambahan box 32cm * 23cm * 30cm (Y/N)String1
rpx_box_bLayanan tambahan box 43cm * 37cm * 37cm (Y/N)String1
rpx_box_cLayanan tambahan box 54cm * 54cm * 50cm (Y/N)String1
rpx_box_sLayanan tambahan box 32cm * 23cm * 15cm (Y/N)String1

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
awbStringYAirwaybill Number (AWB)
timeStringYDate time created

Response (Success):


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data": {

            "awb": 700001390701,

            "time": "2023-02-24 10:38:19"


      "status_code": 200



Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Account Incorrect",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 422


API PickUp Request


Field NameKeteranganTipeMax. Lenght
order_typeOrder Type (please fill in with PU) (MANDATORY)String3
pickup_agent_idAgent ID/Loket ID/Unique ID for Pickup InformationString10
pickup_ready_timePickup Date and Time for Pickup , can be Today or Next Day (YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN)(MANDATORY)String16
pickup_request_byName of Contact Person at Pickup Point (MANDATORY)String50
pickup_account_numberYour RPX Account Number to be used for This Pickup Request (MANDATORY)String50
pickup_company_nameCompany Name for Pickup InformationString50
pickup_company_addressDetail Address of Pickup Point (Nama dan No.Jalan-Gedung Lantai-Kecamatan-Kota Kab-Provinsi)(MANDATORY)String200
pickup_cityCity ID for Pickup Information (from service "getRouteOrigin" -> tag ORIGIN)String50
pickup_postal_codePostal Code of Pickup Location (MANDATORY)String10
service_type3 chars Service Type (from service "getService")String3
desc_of_goodsDescription of goods/packageString255
tot_declare_valueTotal Value of Package (Needs for Insurance Info)String10
office_closed_timeTime of Office Close for Pickup Information (HH:NN)String5
pickup_shipper_nameShipper Name for Pickup InformationString50
pickup_company_emailEmail Address for Pickup InformationString50
pickup_cellphoneAvailable Mobile Number at Pickup Point (MANDATORY)String50
pickup_phoneAvailable Phone Number at Pickup Point (MANDATORY if Cellphone is not available)String50
destin_postal_codeDestination Postal Code (from service "getPostalCode")String10
destin_cityDestination City ID (from service "getCity")String3
destin_provinceDestination Province (from service "getProvince")String50
total_weightTotal Weight of Package (NUMERIC), default = 1String10
total_packageTotal Package (NUMERIC), default = 1String10
desc_of_goodsDescription of what customer sendsString 
awb_numbersRPX AWB Number of the Package that ready to be picked up. Please separate by semicolon(;) to list multiple AWB. untuk 1 booking code jika lebih dari 1 maka dipisahkan dengan tanda ';'(titik koma)String10000

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
pickup_request_noStringYBooking code number
pinStringYPin for verification pickup

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data": {

            "pickup_request_no": "HLP22010400055",

            "time": "2023-02-24 10:38:19"


      "status_code": 200


Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


API getTracking AWB


Field NameDescriptionData TypeMax. Length
AWB AWB number to checkString12

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
awbStringYAirwaybill Number
delivery_toStringYConsignee Name
received_byStringYReceived by
delivery_locStringYDelivery City Name
delivery_dateStringYDelivery Date
delivery_timeStringYDelivery Time
etaStringYEstimated Time Arrival
loc_descStringYLocation Description
tracking_idStringYTracking Status ID
tracking_descStringYTracking Description
locationStringYStation Description (RPX Station)
tracking_dateStringYTracking Date
tracking_timeStringYTracking Time
image_signatureStringYImage Signature
image_fotoStringYImage of Package

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data": {

            "shipment": {

                         "awb": 700001283995,

                         "delivery_to": "test",

                         "received_by": null,

                         "delivery_loc": "RPX Pal Batu",

                         "delivery_date": null,

                         "delivery_time": null,

                         "eta": "",

                         "loc_desc": null


          "tracking": [ 


                         "tracking_id": "WPU",

                         "tracking_desc": "Shipping Manifest Accepted and Waiting For Pickup",

                         "location": "NA",

                         "tracking_date": "Feb 03, 2023",

                         "tracking_time": "02:30 PM"



      "detail_pod": {

                       "image_signature": "",

                       "image_foto": "",

                       "latitude": "",

                       "longtitude": ""



      "status_code": 200


Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


API get Rate


Field NameDescriptionData TypeMax. Length
originOrigin postal codeString5
destinationDestination postal codeString5
service_typeService type usedString3
weight3 Digit Weight Package (in Kg)Numeric3
discountDiscount usedNumeric20
accountnumberYour Account NumberString12

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
serviceIDStringYService Type ID
serviceDescStringYService Type Description
fullDescStringYFull Description of Service
freight_chargeStringYCharge /kg (exclude discount)
discountStringYDiscount (%)
tot_chargeStringYTotal charge (Exclude discount)
priceStringYTotal price (Include Discount)
transitTimeFromStringYShortest transit time
transitTimeToStringYLongest transit time

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data":  [


                         "serviceID": "PSN",

                         "serviceDesc": "RPX PAS NextDay ",

                         "fullDesc": "Paketmu sampai di esok hari",

                         "freight_charge": 25000,

                         "discount": 0,

                         "tot_charge": 25000,

                         "price": 25000,

                         "transitTimeFrom": 1,

                         "transitTimeTo": 1,

                         "delivery": "Y"


            "status_code": 200

}     }

Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


API get Location Regency


Field NameDescriptionData TypeMax. Length
countryIDId of CountryString4
provinceNameName of ProvinceString50
districtName of districtString50

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
country_IDStringYTwo Letter code country, example: id
provinsiStringYName of Province
city_idStringYThree letter code city, example: JAK
country_nameStringYName of Country
station_idStringYThree letter code station
kecamatanStringYName of kecamatan (District)
kota_kabStringYName of city

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data":  [


                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "HLP",

                         "kecamatan": "Cilandak",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "kecamatan": "Mampang Prapatan",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "kecamatan": "Pancoran",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "kecamatan": "Pasar Minggu",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



            "status_code": 200


Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


API get Location City


Field NameDescriptionData TypeMax. Length
countryIDId of CountryString4
provinceNameName of ProvinceString50

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
country_IDStringYTwo Letter code country, example: id
provinsiStringYName of Province
city_idStringYThree letter code city, example: JAK
zip_nameStringYZip name of city
station_idStringYThree letter code station

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data":  [


                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "zip_name": "Petukangan Utara",

                         "station_id": "HLP",



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "zip_name": "Ancol",

                         "station_id": "JKT",



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "zip_name": "Angke",

                         "station_id": "JKT",




                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "kecamatan": "Pancoran",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "provinsi": "DKI Jakarta",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "kecamatan": "Pasar Minggu",

                         "kota_kab": "Jakarta Selatan"



            "status_code": 200


Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


API get Location Zip Code


Field NameDescriptionData TypeMax. Length
countryIDId of CountryString4
provinceNameName of ProvinceString50
regencyname of RegencyString50

Response Definition:

FieldData TypeMandatoryDescription
country_IDStringYTwo Letter code country, example: id
zip_codeStringyZip code of district
country_nameStringYName of Country
provinsiStringYThree letter code city, example: JAK
cityStringYName of City
kecamatanStringYName of kecamatan (District)
zip_nameStringYName of city
station_idStringYThree letter code station

Response Success:


      "err": false,

      "msg": " Data Found",

      "data":  [


                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "zip_code": "10110",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "city": "Jakarta Pusat",

                        "kecamatan": "Gambir",

                        "zip_name": "Gambir",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                        "delivery": "Y",

                         "pickup": "Y",

                        "pickup_cutoff": "10:30:00",

                         "pickup_cutoff_saturday": "10:30:00"



                         "country_id": "ID",

                         "zip_code": "10120",

                         "country_name": "INDONESIA",

                         "city": "Jakarta Pusat",

                        "kecamatan": "Gambir",

                        "zip_name": "Kebon Kelapa",

                         "station_id": "JKT",

                         "city_id": "JAK",

                        "delivery": "Y",

                         "pickup": "Y",

                        "pickup_cutoff": "10:30:00",

                         "pickup_cutoff_saturday": "10:30:00"



            "status_code": 200


Error Response Code:

Request Not Processed422


      "err": true,

      "msg": "Signature verification failed",

      "data": [],

      "status_code": 401


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